We just got back from a wonderful 8 day vacation to New England. We had such a wonderful time! James was such a trooper.
On Saturday one of my best friends got married. It was beautiful. We were lucky enough to have my cousin watch James all day and night for us. Jimmy and I danced the night away. It was one of my favorite weddings to attend. It was perfection! After the wedding we all stayed overnight in my uncle's condo in downtown Boston. I couldn't have asked for a better evening.
On Sunday we hung out downtown for a little while and had lunch at Quincy Market. We went home in the afternoon and had dinner with the MA Barts.
On Monday Jimmy, James, and I packed the car to head to New Hampshire for the day. We visited my friend at her winery, and she gave use a private wine tasting. It was so beautiful, and the wine was excellent! We then told the GPS to take us to the nearest ocean, and it took us to the beautiful town of Portsmouth. It's really fun to see the different architecture around the country.

On Tuesday, we decided to have a veg day. We didn't do much of anything but relax. My cousins took us to their country club for dinner. Yum! We sat by the 1st tee and had a lovely dinner in perfectly cool weather.
On Wednesday, we drove around Worcester. James had a picnic at a park for breakfast. He had a blast going down the slides and swinging. The weather was perfect! Then we went to my cousin's restaurant for lunch. Then we went to Fenway Park for a baseball game. We were right on the field! Not too shabby for James' first baseball game =) The Red Sox won 8 to 4. James didn't make it through the whole game, but he was a great sport for about 8 innings!
On Thursday, Jimmy, James, and I loaded up early to head down to New Haven, Connecticut. We made it to my good friend's (from camp) house in just under 2 hours. She took us out for pizza and gave us a tour of downtown New Haven and Yale. Then we went back to her (adorable) house and a friend of her's came over with her son (same age as James). It's so fun to watch them learn to interact. Right now they just smile at each other for a second and then move on. It'll be great to see James interact more with kids his age. We stayed much later than we expected. They cooked us a fabulous dinner, with excellent wine! After dinner we cleaned up, and it was getting late, so we headed for home. We were exhausted, but had a great day. It was so nice to see them.
Then, on Friday we got a late start and decided to go out to lunch at a diner in West Boylston. We were going to go back and pull things together, but we decided to be crazy and just take off from there! We stopped at the grocery store on our way out to Old Sturbridge Village. What fun that was!! It's a living history museum set in Colonial times. James loved seeing the cows, chickens, and pigs, though he did not want to pet the cows! It started to rain after a few hours, so we decided to take our (wet) selves home. After James went down for the evening we decided to have Steve's Pizza for dinner. They have excellent sub sandwiches. Jimmy had an Italian grinder and I had a meatball sub (yum). It was the perfect end to our week in New England.
This morning we were out before the sun was up. We dropped the car off at the airport and got to our gate just in time to board (after a terrible line to check luggage). James slept most of the flight. When he was awake, much to Jimmy's chagrin, all he wanted was to unplug his dad's headphones. The car seat didn't make it back yet. We have one on loan from JetBlue. Hopefully they'll get it back to us in the morning.
We're home now, resting. James is about ready to got to bed...as am I. We had a great time, but are happy to be sleeping in our own bed again!