So, I've been procrastinating writing about this trip because so much happened, and I never felt like I had enough time to write it. So, I figured I'd just get it down in writing so I don't forget how everything went.
We had such a great time. We left early on a Tuesday morning hoping for the best (traveling with a toddler) and expecting much worse. James, to our surprise, was the best traveler in the world! We stopped a few times before lunch for a quick run around, and he hopped back in the car like a champ each time. When it was lunch time on the first day we stopped at a rest stop and ran around for a little while while my mom made sandwiches. As soon as the sandwiches were made we got back in the car. My mom fed James his lunch and he went right to sleep for his usual nap. While he slept we ate our lunch. We stopped a few more times after he woke up from his nap for gas and stretching our legs. I had been the morning driver, and Ellen took over after lunch. Overall, the first day was uneventful (minus the storm in Waco...that was a little nerve wracking). We drove through Kansas City and stopped just on the other side of it for the night. We were all ready for dinner, and James was a little restless, so my mom jumped in the pool at the hotel with James and Ellen and I ran to grab some dinner. James learned how to jump in all by himself! We ate by the pool and had a swim. After the swim we all settled in; James in his crib, Ellen and I in one bed and my mom in the other. This didn't last long, as apparently, I take up a little more room than usual. So Ellen moved over to Mom's bed. We all slept really well, other than James waking my mom up in the middle of the night by patting her butt (we learned to move his crib away from anyone sleeping) and saying "Hiiiii."
The next morning we all woke up, bright and early again, and hit the road. Luckily, the second day was going to be much shorter, but we wanted to get there as soon as possible to see the Petersons in Wisconsin. The second day went much like the first. James ate lunch in the car and slept while we ate. We arrived at the lake around 3 o'clock. Not many people were there yet, but we were greeted with beers in the bar (not James and I of course, thought I could have used one) Ellen and I were exhausted from driving, so when we put James down at 7 o'clock she and I hit the sack as well. Mom came in later after spending some time with her uncles, aunts, parents and cousins in the bar.
The next morning we got the funniest wakeup call ever. "POOOOOOOP! POOOOOOOOP!" So after a good laugh, Mom got up with him and took him down to breakfast. They met up with my grandparents and they went out to breakfast while Ellen and I had an hour or two more of sleep.
The rest of our time in Wisconsin was spent trying to talk James into walking in the sand, let alone going in the water. He wasn't too keep on having sand in his toes, I have to say that I don't really like it either, so I can't blame him. We did take him in, reluctantly, a few times. The only time he wanted to go in was when he was in his pajamas and we didn't want him in the lake. He called it "The Pool." =) Ellen and Mom drank with the Petersons some, and I had my fill of Shirley Temples. Ellen, who does not enjoy the outside (let alone nature), got in the lake once! She did have to be lured out there by a game of floating beer pong, but she made it! There were fireworks all around the lake for the 4th of July. It was one of the best displays I've ever seen. It went on for 2 hours, and James didn't even wake up! He slept right through the fireworks going off just outside his window. Wisconsin is such a neat place. The Peterson (my grandmother's maiden name) have been going to the same lake for 51 or 52 years (there's a little debate as to how long). James is the 5th generation of family going to the lake. I hope Jimmy can come in the next few years. It's really fun.
Although we were sad to leave, we needed to make our way to Mequon, WI to see my aunt and uncle and cousin. We thought we were going to have another long day of driving, but to our surprise the GPS only had the trip as an hour and a half. So we arrived at the Bartholomew's before lunch when we had told them we would be there by dinner. Not surprisingly, they were ready for us! Megan (my cousin) made us all lunch and we played in the backyard (thank you Wisconsin, for being so cool while we were there) with their young golden retriever Harley. He was such a spirited dog and James loved throwing the ball for him. The next couple days were spent going to Cederburg and shopping and relaxing. I got some beautiful bowls as a wedding present for another cousin, and because they were so pretty, I got a set for myself =) My mom new a couple who owned a toy shop in Cederburg and we stopped and got James a really fun puzzle. We had a great time in Mequon. It was so lovely to see that side of the family that I wish I could see more often. There was talk of a family reunion, and I hope that follows through =)
Again, we were sad to leave, but we needed to get to Kokomo, IN to see my mom's parents. That leg of the trip wasn't too bad at all. James, of course, was an angel. And we stopped once to get gas and to run around. And we got to Kokomo before dinner. My grandma was so happy to have us. She invited her friends for coffee the next day to show us (i.e. James) off. My grandma took Ellen and I to a cute museum in town. We had a good time there =) We listened to a concert in the park and got some 4 generation pictures on the swings =) Ellen had a wedding to go to in Oregon, so we went up to Decatur to visit my mom's brother and sister-in-law, and my cousin's before she left. On the way there we stopped at my mom's Girl Scout camp she worked at as a teenager. It was fun to see how the nature was taking over the old buildings. I think it meant a lot to her that we went, and I had a good time. James fell asleep in the stroller, so I think he was enjoying himself. We spent the night in Decatur and they had a pool party for the wedding party, so we got to visit for a good long time with everyone. James showed off his talking and going to bed skills. He just loved my cousins, and they were so good to/with him. Ellen left before sunrise the next day from Fort Wayne. We were sad to see her go, but I think she had a good time.
The next week was spent in preparation for the wedding. Mom and I were in charge of decorating the "getaway" golf carts. We made hundreds and hundreds of hot pink tissue paper flowers. We also played a lot Scrabble, Euker, and Liverpool Rummy. James loved being outside in the cool weather (as did I). We did a little last minute wardrobe shopping for the wedding. We also took James to the county fair where he rode his first carousel and roller coaster =) That week went by pretty fast, and soon it was time to head back to Decatur for the wedding festivities.
We stayed with some in-laws of my mom's in-laws. We had stayed with the Brown's the year before for another wedding, and they were so gracious to have us back this year. They're house, unfortunately was far from toddler-proof, so we couldn't spend much awake time there. The night of the rehearsal dinner we went to meet up with my Great Aunt Delia and Great Uncle Ty. I
love talking with them. They are two of the most interesting people I have ever met. They came into my life only a few years ago, and I am so glad they did. I just love them. They hadn't seen James yet, but he warmed right up to them. Anyways, we ended up losing track of time, and missed the rehearsal dinner all together! We had a good time though. The next day, my grandma watched James while my mom and I went to decorate the golf carts. They turned out awesome! I was really happy with them. Then we went back and got ready for the wedding. My mom sat in the cry room with James and watched the wedding from a tv screen (she was happy to do so). The wedding was beautiful. Betsy (my cousin and the bride) picked hot pink dresses for her bridesmaids. My grandma hand crocheted bells for all of the pews in the church (as she had done for my wedding and my other cousin). The whole thing was really special.
The reception was held at the local golf course and it was a beautiful setting. James ran around the whole time (other than dinner, of course). He loved the pond and the fish in it. If he had had his way he would have been swimming with them! I was able to keep him out for a little while, but soon he was getting tired. So, my cousin John, helped me to the car with James (they had a special bond) and we headed back to our beds. We were both tired.
The next morning, there was a brunch at my aunt and uncle's house. We stayed for a little while before heading back to Kokomo before our journey home. Ty and Delia stayed with us in Kokomo, which was so fun. We just spent the next day relaxing and recovering from the wedding. Delia was knitting a hat, and inspired me to knit a hat for the new baby, so we went to Hobby Lobby and got some yarn and needles. We had corn on the cob for dinner that night as it was just in season, and oh man, was it sweet. Ellen flew back late that night to drive home with us (bless her!).
We had a super time in Indiana, but I was definitely ready to go home. I would have driven the whole way that day if I could have (I couldn't have). We drove just past Little Rock through a major storm (Ellen was driving). We finally made it to our hotel and got Burger King for dinner. We were tired. Mom took James to the pool while Ellen and I set up the room. We put James to bed early, and we all fell asleep right along with him =) We got up early, and hit the road. I was anxious to get home, so we drove for longer stretches than we had, but James was a trooper. We did, understandably, have a harder time getting him in his seat, but he was still better than we had expected.
We finally made it home around 3 o'clock. We dropped Mom and Ellen off in Round Rock and got home. I was so happy to see Jimmy after all that time. But I have nothing but find memories of this trip. It's something we may not ever do again, and I don't want to forget anything about it.
Here is a list of some things I don't want to forget that I may not have mentioned in my summery:
1. James' new favorite song "Barbra Ann"
2. James recognizing the intro to "Sexy Back" after not hearing it for a week
3. Introducing my grandmother to the Hanna Montana Movie soundtrack (she loved it)
4. The conversation where my grandpa replied to the question "what show is this?," with "Dance Your ASS Off"
5. Ellen walking in nature
6. Ellen eating chicken on the bone
7. James learning to play golf
8. McDonalds Breakfasts
9. Playing poker with my uncle and cousins
10. Baking the Star Cake with my cousin Katie
11. James saying "AAAAAMMMMYYY" whenever he saw a girl with dark curly hair
12. James saying "ELLLLLEEE" (sounding like AAANNNNAA) whenever he saw a PT Cruiser (what Ellen drives at home)
13. The hair wreaths at the museum in Kokomo
There is probably more, but I've promised myself that I would get this published before I went to bed tonight. Here's a link to the slideshow of all the pictures on my camera from the trip =)
Road Trip Summer 2009