Thursday, October 2, 2008


Jimmy surprised James and me with an invitation to lunch this afternoon. It was such a nice day, so we sat on the patio at Doc's (a local restaurant and bar). James enjoyed some chicken and had a bite or two of fries.

James seems to be eating less these days. There was a time, not too long ago, when I thought I couldn't feed him enough. He's back to a more reasonable amount of food, which is nice. I don't have to panic that there won't be enough to keep him happy when we go anywhere. It makes going out much more relaxing. As long as I keep the Mum Mum's handy, he's happy.

I felt like a true Austinite today. Going to South Congress for lunch. I love learning about the cool and quirky stuff to do and see that we can only find in Austin. I really enjoy living here.

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