Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"If you give a mouse a cookie..."

For those of you who don't have children, but someday might. Here's a tip....never introduce cookies. James can spot them a mile away. But, now that I'm in it, it has become a useful tool in getting him to look at the camera =)

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Just a little selective cropping and here ya go!

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Boo Boos

We had our first big boo boo on Thursday night. Jimmy and I were out and James was with the sitter. He banged his head on the shelf and had a cut above his eye. He was pretty upset, but fine. The babysitter was pretty shaken as well. We called the doctor to make sure he didn't need stitches. Nope, we just have to let it heal. In the mean time, he has a pretty awesome Batman Band-Aid to show off his manliness =)

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

LBJ Ranch

My brother and sister-in-law are in town. That means lots of outings! So we headed out to LBJ Ranch to tour the ranch and have a picnic. We stopped at a winery on the way out to do a little testing and buy some wine for lunch. James loved the dog that hung around the winery. James and I played outside with Brutus while the others tasted.

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Then it was time for lunch. We had a picnic...a very cold picnic. James had no complaints though. As long as the blueberries, Veggie Booty, and cookies are being provided, James is down for anything =)

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We headed out to the ranch after that and did the driving tour and the tour of President Johnson's home office. James was a bit tired of being corralled by that point so Mom walked him around the grounds. The tour was very interesting, and I loved the house.

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After the tour, we were all tuckered out so we all headed back to our house for pizza and Scrabble. We got a family picture in before it was too late. I just love when we're all together =) It's been such a fun week.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Haircut

We finally did it. It was way overdue, but I just was in love with his shaggy hair. I have to say, he looks pretty sharp now though. James did so well. He was so cute sitting in the little plane chair. He was so calm. I was a little worried he'd be scared, but he was great. They gave us a lock and a certificate for his baby book. All around it was the best experience. Here's the video if anyone is interested =)

Monday, January 5, 2009

"I ate the purple berries..."

For this, I blame Max =)
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Thank you, Max, for introducing us to a whole new kind of mess!! ;-)

Sunday, January 4, 2009


It was about 80 degrees out on Saturday, so my mom invited us to have drinks and supper at the Oasis. I didn't know how long James would last, but he was a trooper. He sat and played with Ellen and Dad for a long time and happily ate a hamburger (thanks Ellen, for doing the feeding!). We sat and sipped cocktails until James couldn't take it any more and wanted to run around (well...maybe not run, but toddle). So we went outside and we ended up playing at the Space Ship for quite a while. It was a lot of fun for everyone! Here are some highlights =)

Here is James watching Grandpa fiddle with his phone
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Preparing for Takeoff =)
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Enjoying the winter weather
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Learning to play practical jokes on Mom
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Friday, January 2, 2009


Kind of on a whim this morning, I announced that we should go to the zoo today. It was such a nice warm day, and James had just had his first nap and eaten lunch. Timing was perfect! Jimmy jumped in the shower and we left soon after. It was so fun.

We saw tigers, a bear, lions, monkeys, goats, and all kinds of birds. James loved the birds. He surprised us by signing "bird" when he saw them! ::gushing with pride:: He was a little afraid when we fed the goats. The train ride was a highlight. We didn't stay too long. The zoo was just big enough for us to get through in time for James' second nap (still taking 2).

We had such a fun time. I'm glad we decided to be spontaneous and head out there. =)

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Saying "hello" to the Parrots.

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Checking out the tigers at feeding time.

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Meeting the tortoises.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

For Auld Lang Sign My Dear...

It has been such a great year for the Texas Mooneys. We had a lot of fun last night to cap the year off. We went to a great party to celebrate the New Year in the London time zone (6 pm) so the kiddos could celebrate. Then we went and Jimmy set off some fireworks with his bosses family. We hung out with them for an hour or two and James was in bed by nine o'clock. Jimmy and I ate fondue and drank sparkling cider and watched the ball drop before heading off to bed. It was such a great night.

Today, James and I headed up early to my parents house for breakfast while Jimmy grouted the tile in the bathroom (post to come about that!)

My mom thought James was in need of a riding/push toy for her house and so we picked this up today. James was in heaven =)
