Wednesday, January 14, 2009

LBJ Ranch

My brother and sister-in-law are in town. That means lots of outings! So we headed out to LBJ Ranch to tour the ranch and have a picnic. We stopped at a winery on the way out to do a little testing and buy some wine for lunch. James loved the dog that hung around the winery. James and I played outside with Brutus while the others tasted.

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Then it was time for lunch. We had a picnic...a very cold picnic. James had no complaints though. As long as the blueberries, Veggie Booty, and cookies are being provided, James is down for anything =)

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We headed out to the ranch after that and did the driving tour and the tour of President Johnson's home office. James was a bit tired of being corralled by that point so Mom walked him around the grounds. The tour was very interesting, and I loved the house.

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After the tour, we were all tuckered out so we all headed back to our house for pizza and Scrabble. We got a family picture in before it was too late. I just love when we're all together =) It's been such a fun week.

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